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Date of birth:May 09, 2002
Height:5'4" (165 cm)
Weight:143 lb (65 kg)
Hair color:Brown-haired
Eyes color:Aqua
Education:The middle medical
Marital status:single

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Total photos: 16, bikini photos: 2

English language:no knowledge
Hobbies and interests:I like to mount videos, web design and targeting. I like to take a photo and be an object in the photo. I will never give up travel, walks, picnics and campaigns.
About me:In our world, it is an original thing to be original, where it is more difficult to meet a person with traditional values. So I am the one who appreciates honesty and fidelity, pride and obedience, knows how to listen to the opinion, does not condemn and believes in people
Seeks Partner:30 - 60 years old
Looking For Men Type:I believe that you can also find your person around the corner, but I still have no luck with this. I am looking for someone who, like me, is old -fashioned and understands that human values ​​will never go out of fashion

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