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is fast and reliable way of contacting pretty women from our catalog.

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It can take you months to correspond by post, your postal letters may get lost or delayed, which will never happen with a letter sent through our email forwarding system. With our email forwarding system you can send letters to women who do not have Internet access and do not know English.

Our mail forwarding system is very easy to use and it works really efficiently. You exchange letters with women in our catalog through our web-site, in these letters you can write about everything and give any kind of information, including direct contact information, such as postal address and phone numbers (email addresses are not allowed, they are automatically deleted by the system). Read further how it works:

You write a letter and send it through the web-site simply by clicking "Email Me Now" button on the woman's profile page;

The agency in woman's city receives your letter, prints it, translates (only "human" translation is used, no translating programs).

If you contact the woman for the first time, she receives your profile and photos from the Men's Catalog. If you attach a photo/photos to your letter the woman receives your photo/photos printed with your letter;

Then the marriage agency calls the woman informing that there is a letter at the office waiting for her; if the woman wants, the letter can be read to her on the phone right away by the marriage agency manager.

Find prices for our email forwarding services in our price-list.

All letters are given to the woman personally when she comes to the marriage agency office. For women's convenience offices work late hours, so the women are able to pick up their mail after work or studies.

It is up to the woman whether to reply right away, at the office, or take the letter home and think over the questions man asks. She also may choose to dictate her reply on the phone.

When a woman writes a reply and brings it to the agency, this letter is translated and sent to the man through special email forwarding program, designed for the agencies convenience (by the way, through this program the agency can also follow whether a woman has replied her letters or not, and if the are unanswered letters, agency usually calls women to remind about them)

Find prices for our email forwarding services in our price-list.

If a woman wants to send additional pictures to the man, the man gets a standard note from the dating agency asking whether he is ready to pay for scanning and forwarding additional photos the woman has for him. If the man agrees to the charges, he gets woman's pictures to his e-mail address and money is deducted from man's account at A-Pretty.com.

You should expect a reply from a woman within 1-2 weeks. If you do not get any reply to your letter it would mean the woman is not interested: we ask the agencies not to forward to men letters that contain negative replies, so men would not pay for reading refusal letters.

All letters you send and receive are stored in your personal mailbox at A-Pretty.com.

Find prices for our email forwarding services in our price-list.

SPECIAL OFFER! Read first letter from lady and answer her same day with 50% discount: for 0.50 credits instead of regular cost of 1 credit. You should write answer to lady's first letter within 24 hours from the moment of opening lady's intro. To use this discount you should have at least 1 credit at your account.

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