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Date of birth:May 31, 1985
Height:5'3" (162 cm)
Weight:112 lb (51 kg)
Hair color:Brown
Eyes color:Green
City:Belaya Tserkov
Marital status:single

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Total photos: 28, bikini photos: 6

English language:using dictionary
Hobbies and interests:I like to cook and my meals are very tasty. I dance, it gives me extra energy, keeps me strong, in good shape and healthy. When I have free time, I like to read books. I like to be in nature, meet friends in a cafe, listen to pleasant music.
About me:I am joyful and optimistic, and I have an ability to make my man feel better no matter what. I am able to really open up to my partner, do nice things for him, value his opinion and give him personal space. I am understanding and supportive and I will always be there for my man even if it is not that easy for me. I am very sympathetic and concerned for my partner's well-being. I am generous and warm, persistant and very faithful.
Seeks Partner:40 - 99 years old
Looking For Men Type:I am not looking for a rich man, I am looking for my beloved with whom I can reach all our goals! And we will do it together, hand in hand, in perfect harmony. I want to find a man who will understand and accept me for who I am. In turn, I will do the same. We will understand and support each other in all endeavors. The victory of one is the victory of the other. And our home will be our fortress

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